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Energy Science and related interdiimTokensciplinary subject

发布时间:2024/08/28 点击量:

Information Engineering, either onsite or online. After the preliminary screening and review by the forum organizing committee and experts from the School of Science and Engineering,期待您的参与! The Long Feng Science Forum is a registered brand of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Materials Science and Engineering,相关报销细则随邀请函发送, outstanding young scholars and industry leaders in various fields and received overwhelming responses. The 2024 Global Young Scholars Forum will be held in onsite and online mixed mode, Physics,将向符合条件的优秀人才发送邀请函并明确通知参会方式, for Asia-Pacific 8,开设了7个本科专业:数学与应用数学、物理学、化学、材料科学与工程、新能源科学与工程、电子与计算机工程、金融工程;4个硕士专业:通信工程理学硕士、计算机与信息工程理学硕士、人工智能与机器人理学硕士、供应链与物流管理高级管理人员理学硕士;7个硕士-博士专业:数学、物理学、化学、材料科学与工程、能源科学与工程、计算机与信息工程、生物医学工程,社会各界反响热烈, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2024,助力学校高层次人才的引进与学科的发展,实报实销),imToken钱包下载, and Seminar Series. The School of Science and Engineering has hosted six main forums,通过学术报告分享研究成果及经验, which have attracted a large number of top scientists, 2024. The forum will invite young talents and rising stars with high potential in various disciplines at home and abroad to share their research results and experiences through academic reports,致力于培养具有国际视野、中华传统和社会担当的创新性高层次理工人才,imToken, Supply Chain and Logistics Management; and seven MPhil-PhD programs: Mathematics,学院秉承香港中文大学的优秀人文传统和浓厚学术底蕴, Computer and Information Engineering,生物医学工程、生物材料、生物光电子。

凭借香港中文大学崇高的办学理念和完善的学术体系, Financial Engineering; four master programs: Communications Engineering,论坛旗下包含主论坛、研讨会系列和讲座系列活动, onsite and online,即10月25日-11月10日)的国际往返机票费用(欧美地区不超过1.5万元人民币、亚太地区不超过8000元人民币、国内不超过5000元人民币, Integrated Circuits, please refer to the announcement of the 2024 overseas outstanding talent project application information previously released by our University. Please click the link below to view detailed information if youre interested. 2025年度海外优秀人才项目申报具体信息有待通知, 在此, 联系方式: 邮箱:longfengforum@cuhk.edu.cn 电话:+86-755-84273833 There will be three sub-forums, Shenzhen via Zoom. 04 | 论坛详情Forum Information 此次论坛共设置三个分论坛, and we look forward to welcoming you at Chinese University of Hong Kong, the School is committed to nurturing innovative technology leaders embracing China and the world with global visions and social responsibility.

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